10 Apr 2025
Introduction to the Platform Designer System Integration Tool (Qsys)
This class will teach you how to quickly build designs for Intel® FPGA devices using the Platform Designer system-level integration tool (formerly known as Qsys), part of the Intel Quartus® Prime software. You will become proficient with using Platform Designer and learn how to quickly integrate “off-the-shelf” IP and custom logic into a system. Platform Designer makes design reuse easy through the use of standard interfaces, so you will learn about the interfaces supported by the tool: Avalon® Memory Mapped and Streaming as well as an introduction to the Arm* AMBA* AXI interface standard. The class provides a significant hands-on component, where you will gain exposure to tool usage as well as system and custom HDL component design.
At Course Completion you will be able to:- Build digital systems in the Platform Designer tool.
- Integrate the files generated by Platform Designer into the Intel Quartus Prime software design flow.
- Create custom components with Avalon-MM and Avalon-ST interfaces and integrate them into your system.
Skills Required
- Background in digital logic design
- Working knowledge of the Intel Quartus Prime software.
- Knowledge of HDL coding methodology (helpful but not mandatory).
We recommend completing the following courses:
- The Intel® Quartus® Prime Software: Foundation.
- The Quartus Prime Software: Foundation (Standard Edition) (Online Training).
- Using the Quartus Prime Software: An Introduction.
Follow-on Courses
Upon completing this course, we recommend the following courses (in no particular order):
- Quartus Prime Software: Foundation
- Designing with an ARM®-based SoC
- Designing with the NIOS II Processor