17 nov 2016
Dome Seminar Design for Testability
ASTRON and IBM cordially invite you to attend a one-day seminar on testing of digital and analogue systems, that will be held at ASTRON in Dwingeloo on Thursday 17 November 2016.
This seminar will address production and functional testing of digital and analogue systems. Topics to be presented and discussed include X-ray tests, optical inspection, flying probe/needle tests, needle bed tests, and boundary scan.
Presentations and demonstrations will be given by engineers form Variass, Batenburg, Transfer DSW, JTAG Technologies, IBM and ASTRON.
Programme Thursday 17 November 2016
Seminar chair: Albert-Jan Boonstra (ASTRON)
09:30 Reception (coffee & tea)
10:00 Session I: challenges
• Introduction, design for testability – Albert-Jan Boonstra
• Microserver design and testing - Andreas Doering (IBM)11:30 Session II: challenges continued
• ASTRON design and testing challenges – Gijs Schoonderbeek (ASTRON)
• Design and testing challenges in “small” designs - Barry Berends (Transfer DSW B.V.)
• Challenges summary – chair12:30 Lunch
13:30 Session III: test approaches
• DFX design aspects - Hendri Kortman VARIASS
• Production tests and test methods, why? - Jan Betten VARIASS
• Production and functional tests from a practical perspective – Billo Diallo / Mathijs Bilman (Batenburg)15:00 Coffee & tea
15:30 Session IV: test approaches continued
• Zooming-in: the Boundary Scan perspective – Rik Doorneweert (JTAG Technologies)16:30 Summary – chair
17:00 Networking & drinks
Note: demonstrations and company presentations will take place during breaks and the networking session.Open invitation
ASTRON and IBM are proud to invite you to the seminar Design for Testability on Thursday 17 November 2016 in Dwingeloo. If you would like to join the seminar, please register here. If you would like to bring one or more guests, please use the same website to register them as well.Kosten
Gratis / Free